onsdag 9. mars 2011

so well. so what.

my latest biggest influences (and i'm thinking since i moved from fucking bergen. or to, i don't remember) have been;


no. it's really my self. but type-os are such much fun.

well. i have not been having evangelic thoughts or different feelings/inspirations (mainly thinking i'm a cool person, walking around much excited about that fact..)

wanyhoo.. which means i've been boring for like.. over half a year.

that really sucks.
i need to get into radiohead. only they may save my life. or perhaps move again. smelling the same smells does not get exciting when your way of reinventing it consists of methods like Don't do the dishes and Don't carry out the trash.


Don't shower too much

so you see. i need something new. which is why i bought redbull after work on tuseday. they're both long gone by now. this is only because i saw the contestants drink redbull in Hells Kittenchen

true story

commercials and other sublime stuff is pretty slick. slickiest of all, i reckon.


i need a life. not just a carbonated one. i mean a real life. an inner life. not just moodswings and multitasking. i need a brain and a heart that functions. i need to buy a huge puzzle, puzzle it and then think i'm on a roll. i don't only smell like eggs, i have a rich inner life that allows me to accomplish complicated and complex stuff like puzzles.

to many words now. i'm sorry. or maybe not. i'm going for the not.
the negatives. black and white and white and black and un peu petit de GRIS.


my life. spacier than piffi.
yes. space. ier.


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