tirsdag 29. mars 2011

my phobia lives on, grows strong and creeps on creeping me shut from the rest

shut or shot

all that is new is not really scary, it's exciting. but when internet decides to go forth and better itself, updating itself, keeping in touch with whatever force that drives us forward. different technic techniques and so on. i can't seem to follow or swollow it at all, i just gaze with wide eyes, wait untill they run over with tears and shut them for good (or at least as long as i can sense that the problem still is in front of me)
is this healthy, no.
so when bluggur all of a sudden decides to ..become breaking new, i kind of freak out.

why now?

but most importantly, why am i so afraid?
well. it's just because i'm not competent enough to even bother trying to figure it all out, it takes time, it takes effort, and as we all know from the Homer-god himself; anything that takes more than twelve steps, isn't worth doing!! (..laugh)


ah. well. well !!! WELL!!! WISH ME WELL! I WANT WELL, I WAN a WELL!!

no. all i want is a ton of coins. dearly the famous FEMTIØRING that is going off A la modee soon.
i want so many, many enough to resemble Scrooge McDuck. since i can't seem to find a clean swimmingpool around here, why not gather the immense lot of FEMTIØRINGER that floats around in constant streams of our society. must be the cleanliest and healthiest way of swimming nowadays, since the seawater is so.. fripping mindblowingly Cold. so Cold Mountains of coins.. must be... yeeees.
this is how much of them i understand. we have money. and if we want, we can translate them to coins and take baths in them.

enough. i'm getting rapidly stupider for each word that emerges from my subconciousness, so it's a bout time to call a quit......................ing..

no wait.
music, for goddamns sake.
rubik! heard of them?
this is how far i got while drinking coffee and driving myself mad with kråkesølvs facebookpage:

THIS FAR! (no really, i got further. but. what the hey)


anyways. i'll be back with more info after ..

to be continued...


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