torsdag 25. april 2013

windows mute reality

how can i recognise passion when i have a total of two, maximum three, emotions during the course of a year

i'm left clueless, so i've just sourced out the least confusing road to go down

music taste of nothing anymore
i hardly allow myself to feel anything 
i THINK i want to do stuff
and do said stuff on said basis

i can claim i look forward to something
but what happens in reality is me thinking that, for a brief moment, i'd like to do something else than just sit here, it might be good for me, 'maybe that'll be my turnaround', maybe something will save me from this willingly constructed misery that i have built a fort out of

steep hills and a million bills
pay in blood and get on with it

life is blood, blood is life, you pay whatever the cost since it's unheard of to refuse


oxymoronic synonyme 

this road, this gravel, this ditch and this fence, this net and those skinless ducks

choke on a pint of liquid books

watch your dreams fade as you close your eyes
only to realise
people can be harder than fucking diamonds

never change never adapt never adopt never put something in your ear

if i could strip down to my skeleton
have your way with its wit
la la la

my bones 
will roam the earth

    thanks. you can all just fuck off now.

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