onsdag 14. november 2012

warning signs and sighs

not happy to the extreme with how this turned out, but ah and the well.
the idea is still the same. so, i want to make this into a real life BOY.
no wait.
i meant T-SHIRT, of course. sorry.

and wear it everywhere. it's a comment. made for fb-people who feel like documenting everything with pictures, like as if it was the only reason they bothered doing something. anything. i know the feeling of having loads of pictures from an event. i'm not saying it's a bad thing. i'm just saying, be careful which approach you choose. in it for the fun or in it for the pictures, also known as 'the status'.

i'm turning into jesus. holy fuck.

this wasn't even that interesting. the point is, i want this t-shirt.
end of story.

story ends here.

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