søndag 11. november 2012

my brain. it's butter.

plot. please. plot plot plot.

i think i feel i swim
through oceans of pulsating worms

something simple, give me please.
i need it. a new drug.

turn us all upside down, stretch us out
think of how amazing that ball of gel is

you're allowed to see
you're allowed to speak
mind the bread

keep alive
keep a lie


not here. i breathe like yellow leather shoes

fall on the break
break on a fall
you standing is aerodynamic
considered the gravity

beg me, to not, be angry, with myself

give me ice and i'll stab my inner demons
melt away, drain them out, nothing left to put back

release me into the wild again, please
my knees hurt from all the saturated fats and pesticides

i crumble and they keep shaping
they laugh and i keep smiling

no, that's not here
yes, that's not here

of inner life
of lost outer life
inner space
outer space
not for you to grab

you see it on the television and think
that is mine

you claim and claim
justice decline

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