onsdag 21. desember 2011


it had nothing to do with less. operation failed. it had to do with more.

i read in the paper, a quote from an ancient frenchman, that it does more damage to a person if you are somewhat overly kind with them rather than doing them less good.
which means it does matter how you treat people and you should not drown them in good intentions and actions. it makes sense on my behalf because kindness is addictive and it is one of the first things we take for granted in a relation.

i feel neglected by myself. in ruins. have i lost?

unable to concentrate energies and thoughts,
in severe lack of said energy.
mentions and random quotes. even talking has had me fed up now.

the simplest things become torture to my being. to me being.

nothing new, i just need to cut back on the consumption of aspartame.

easy, readily available sollutions.
it's all fiction.

you're an addict.

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