mandag 25. april 2011

taking risk taking orders, making life happen, appear and shallow, reflection of the eyes in your soul

a token

a lamppost at the end of the street
taking control
and lurking

stoned and happy. out of control. in order. taking order.
making order.

fuck the fuck off

jerk off
and move on

always moving on

you dry up
you can't even cry

numb and social
numb and lonely

music speaks your mind
and you never understand it quite

your mind has you by your neck
you spit and it hits no ground

commercials kill your brain
your braind becomes a branch

kick the habit
don't let the habit kick you

is that all? is that the truth?

am i really this

is this really happening

this is really happening

i'm an idiot. trapped in your hot car.
cynic and frentic. feisty and lazy. all in once and once for all.


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