søndag 27. februar 2011

hi there and please keep moving

tucker and spence
it's all nice on ice.


beer is a lovely concept. i'm thinking about washing my hair in it today.
yes. there's nothing like an improper waste of some really proper beer.

the bubbly sensation of it i reckon will be worth the money. and also, it's said to be good for your hair. we'll see. i'm hoping for a new 'do.

so enough.


my mind keeps complaining and my body does not listen

shuteye and shutdown

i'm in that trap again
i need to snap out of it.

i won't allow myself any treats, almost. some, there is. but they're not fully enjoyed because i'm so convinced i don't deserve them.

i haven't been listening to the new radiohead album, and that's because i don't deserve it. i'm not worthy. i'm not in the right mindset.

or maybe. that album is what'll snap me out of it all again.
but for how long?
habits are stupidly tough to handle. to get rid of. to blame and to shread all over the place. it's an affair i can't get away from. again, it's tough.
or maybe i'm suffering from a big lack of trying. massive.

no visions - no will.
no path - no right direction.
no energy to change - you've become what you hate and you hate what you've become.

it's simple.
in all it's complexity
it's all very simple too.

.snap out of it

i'm very sorry for the insane lack of context, but it kind of describes how i'm feeling (or not feeling. my biggest problem is that i'm so apathic. i'm so numb. all is in vain. it's horrible. at the moment. i seriously love my new job. and i love working hard. i'm motivated. but when i'm not at work, i'm depressed and confused. i need excersise. i need some movement. that's what's going to save me. i'm certain. so certain. i know. but i can't act upon it. no. something keeps me inside. it's you. the fucking computer, you. bloody hell.)

so now that it's all cleared up like a nice blue day in the summer i feel a lot more cheerful than a severed branch with no roots.


oh happy days.

well. stay tuned, i'll be back for more bullcrap later on. or maybe right now??

no. later on.


fucking off.

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