onsdag 15. mai 2013

just like a bone marrow that's leaked right out of your skin

maybe we admire people because we yearn to learn from them

that's why we need idols, gods and other father-like figures to fill a certain void of need

at least that's often why i tend to get really interested in someone
what do they have to offer and what potential do they have to make me grow
how can i benefit from their vortex of a world and personality

how friendships last, i don't know much about. i quickly get weary of people and resume to skimp along, over to the very next one.

people are just annoying in the long run. you've heard all their stories, you've figured out all of their functions - what they like, love, resent and hate. everything about them becomes obvious. which is in turn rather boring.
too much of a good thing makes it a bad one.

a week is enough. too much of the same person and after a week, i hate their guts for some reason and resort to quiestioning every word and gesture that comes out of them. is this perhaps a disorder of sorts?

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