i realise, at almost all times, i have so much interesting to tell. my FRESH blog is the place. maybe two hours, and counting, old. verrry wellll.
i'm done vacuuming the mansion i live in. atm. didn't find any treasures. but hey, can't have it all. so.
i have a dream. a goal. and when i'm done chasing it:
we'll se what the future brings. and since blogging is todays way of running around nude i felt it was rather A-ok to put my "life-long" dream out here. ha ha. ha. (but i'm pretty certain this is what i would have looked like if me and my brother DIDN'T switch lifestyles. he's the endorfine-junkie and i'm the down-and-drunkie now)
qhatever. queeirdo.
RiteNow! I spend My Hours listening to one of my favorite bands. that's important. Spotify can provide that kind of service. Demo. Demoemoemomode dEMo.
testing. am i still awake? my espresso tells me so. but i can't feel my tounge. i can't keep my eyes shut, i can't see for miles, i appear in the future no more. so what to swollow when the crops are still just seeds.
i long for another time. another age. we shouldn't be so . you know . userfriendly.
as for today i feel lazy about everything. i did not make that much of a difference yesterday. and it all seems to be an unproper [w.a.s.t.e.] of time.
"hi this is roberta from spotify"
"meet the real world coming out of your shell"
i want to be a great guitarist. an artist, maybe. i do enjoy playing and singing and want to be good at it. but i don't rehearse at all hours, so that's that with that dream. and i want to work with animation or some things creative. but i don't draw at all hours so... gofigure.
i want a career, but i don't work at all hours, sOo!.. heep hee hee heep
i want to run. but i don't. i just sit here making up excuses not to. he he. the answer to everything.
still - i'm very happy. i sometimes think the main reason to why people feel guilty or not at ease is located in Other Peoples Spoken/Unspoken Opinion of what you mould out of your time as a human.
(and i'm working hard on not caring too much about it, to be frank)
><'> :O OH OH OH OH OH A FISH!!!
HERE FISHY I WANT TO fill my dinnerPlate and healthy apetite.
i failed miserably attemting to cook salmon yesterday. a great tip for all you good people out there - never fry fish when it's still frozen. the salmon took forever to defrost and in the meanwhile the delicious and spicy crust got more and more BLACK. like hell it did. and now i feel sorry for the salmon. ah well. there's more in the freezer. i won't bury it in the garden. i'll try not to at least.
i share too much. perhaps. perhaps? PERHAPS.

think thank thonk thunk thenk thynk yer fer this tiemr
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