fredag 30. oktober 2009

.alabalBum of the dAlalay.

NeVerRrMi Ndd.

i fell for the spell and purchased fleet foxes' latest album ::: recently. heard trough it today. together with tellusalies album "is the outside still out there?". must say. this is not the type of music i usually prefer. but fleet foxes make, without any dobut, good and relaxing earcandy fit for everyone Mmmmm. in my head they were geografically from the same place as grizzly bear and animal collective (due to some confusion from an article i read) so i instantly felt i had to buy the thing when ON SALE. tellusalie is something i could recommend to someone, but it'll probably not be the most turned record in my stack. got it with four other for 250 kr, people. "BarGain".
behold - i am the collector.

Be a dear and shut the window. \\\\\Nevermind the windmill/////

I do nothing and ask little in return

Constantly interrupting. Maybe we all need some sort of subtitle. To help us stay put. SLANTY SHANTY.
I can’t afford to make faces, my skin is too pretty.

Romance. And pretty horses. I’m hereby very affected by clichès – as a result of something;;; i became super lame. About time. Because, in the long run it is boring when things tend to peel off on the surface. I want to be deeply touched by the plot. Which i have been a series of times latelty. How come? I just watched a movie on tv2-moviechannElle.elelellee. That's tha.t .nice hat.


Blue and red are nice together. that's true for so many reasons. OATMEALY boy from rasin heaven.

reading biology. the chapter is Genetics. what happens when! - you Gut a cell.

and. did you know. if we were to stretch out all our DNA from every cell in our body, it'll be equal to the length around the Earth...times HALF A MILLON! or. 140 times the distance from here to the sun. 20 billion km, people. that's insane and i got so excited reading it.
keep on keeping on, drum gets a glimpse. "of selfdefence against the present"

torsdag 29. oktober 2009

the Shallow Pit of rrrrReason

supposed to resemble a bunch of confused carnivores

soundtrack: - "meeting in the aisle" and "the furniture moves underneath"

Pardon my Heartrate

a lot of fun from this morning. [oh...what i WON'T do to escape from studying] not completely complete. maybe i'll get there. MEANWHILE.:..:::::..:::....

using crayons does not always provide the effect desired. but anyhoo. happy joyidays!

may i also recommend, not only because i like recommending, but ach, to click the picture for a bigger version. the fun lies within the details. thou shalt find if thou seeks

Here's my o-so-beatiful frienddd. my impression of her here does not even remotely justify the real life, touchable, beauty

SomEmthing. Hahhhahatched

outgiraff the giraffy. here boy! BOUYOYYOOY

oday i have been a tidy mess thinking about everything and todays album of the day again must be the great great great "This Is a Long Drive For Someone with Nothing to Think About" by the almost even greater Modest Mouse. their so-called debutalbum. i think parts of Sad Sappy Sucker came to life before it, but not officially. yeh yeh. yaddayadda. this is the first entire album i ever heard by this group (that contstantly change members, but three have been steady, more or less).

why i love this album, you say? i spent the first time listening through the whole thing while following a path in the forest. at the time i had nothing to think about so the album really felt like a long drive. it was hard to tell the songs apart etc. n00.b.i.e. but once upon a time, when i was slightly hung over and had a overflowing head, the album felt instantly spot on and i've been in mad love with it ever since.

"so much beauty it'll make you cry"

Isaac Brock is a true genious. american, but still. great. beyond. hee hee.- hee. i'd love to see them live. of course. if you ever think about getting into this band. don't start with their latest albums. they are good, but not the same. Isaac used to do every drug he came by. i think he's pretty much stopped now. but whatever. may i recommend "everywhere and his nasty parlor tricks", "the moon and antarctica", "lonesome crowded west" and "sad sappy sucker". FUN. i tells you. but whatever. i happen to enjoy their music. i hope you'll too.

"you's got a voice so talk to yourself"

[there's probably gonna be a lot of quotes on this minefield by them.]

and - for fun and insanity [mostly] - i had to scann the cd-cover.

AND HERE'S A SISTER wohowhowohwohwowoowooohooooh ACH

if she looks weird that's because she really is. (hehenononononononoonottotallytrue)

after a little snot-noseing around i found the piece among some of my drawings from the "BrokenArm"-era.

and now i laugh because i'm so funny and stupid. Hello! sister! Howdyou do? -here's what i want for chirstmas:



onsdag 28. oktober 2009

..::.::::something Absolutely Random::..

"Fear not! i can both swim and fly and climb. AND i never leave any teethmarks"

so it says. my drawing. i happen to enjoy it moderatly. don't always want to be too serious around the pen. when quality is considered it's not much worth, but a lot of fun fun FUN FUNFUN UNF NUN.

so i says the big He [bjørn] gave me one word yesterday - "lamp post" - to draw from:
so cute.
"the sidewalk light that follows you around"

made for a friend. it's still in this house. growing off seeds from my work.

Another dumping onto this glorious landfill

Most random and some pretty crappy stuff i drew a long (!) time ago when my left arm was broken. luckily.
just wanted to put them out here for diversity. and in the firm belief that someone might appreciate it. or hate it. hehe! would have been fun. ALLways about the fun.

from an actual picutre i took in southafrica. pretty old.

!>B!>T!>W!>!>Liars do have the bestest of music. Try it!

aging shitty (shitty because, ach, i'm too ironic to be high on myself) selfportrait. from when ihada broken arm.

not so old. i'm so sorry.

not so old either.

and this one is Fairly Fresh! and a wee bit strange. what can i say. i like colours. probably shouldn't.
but hey - THE EYE in the sky on this one! that's awesome and you agree.
three birds located somewhere. can you spot-em-all?

(hugrily yours - Edna)

what happens when: ~listening to a lot of Liars

"Drum's not dead" is the most beautiful thing. hereby recommended.

i realise, at almost all times, i have so much interesting to tell. my FRESH blog is the place. maybe two hours, and counting, old. verrry wellll.

i'm done vacuuming the mansion i live in. atm. didn't find any treasures. but hey, can't have it all. so.

i have a dream. a goal. and when i'm done chasing it:

hee hee. just kidding. (for now)

we'll se what the future brings. and since blogging is todays way of running around nude i felt it was rather A-ok to put my "life-long" dream out here. ha ha. ha. (but i'm pretty certain this is what i would have looked like if me and my brother DIDN'T switch lifestyles. he's the endorfine-junkie and i'm the down-and-drunkie now)


qhatever. queeirdo.

RiteNow! I spend My Hours listening to one of my favorite bands. that's important. Spotify can provide that kind of service. Demo. Demoemoemomode dEMo.

testing. am i still awake? my espresso tells me so. but i can't feel my tounge. i can't keep my eyes shut, i can't see for miles, i appear in the future no more. so what to swollow when the crops are still just seeds.

i long for another time. another age. we shouldn't be so . you know . userfriendly.

as for today i feel lazy about everything. i did not make that much of a difference yesterday. and it all seems to be an unproper [w.a.s.t.e.] of time.

"hi this is roberta from spotify"
"meet the real world coming out of your shell"

i want to be a great guitarist. an artist, maybe. i do enjoy playing and singing and want to be good at it. but i don't rehearse at all hours, so that's that with that dream. and i want to work with animation or some things creative. but i don't draw at all hours so... gofigure.
i want a career, but i don't work at all hours, sOo!.. heep hee hee heep
i want to run. but i don't. i just sit here making up excuses not to. he he. the answer to everything.
still - i'm very happy. i sometimes think the main reason to why people feel guilty or not at ease is located in Other Peoples Spoken/Unspoken Opinion of what you mould out of your time as a human.
(and i'm working hard on not caring too much about it, to be frank)

><'> :O OH OH OH OH OH A FISH!!!

HERE FISHY I WANT TO fill my dinnerPlate and healthy apetite.

i failed miserably attemting to cook salmon yesterday. a great tip for all you good people out there - never fry fish when it's still frozen. the salmon took forever to defrost and in the meanwhile the delicious and spicy crust got more and more BLACK. like hell it did. and now i feel sorry for the salmon. ah well. there's more in the freezer. i won't bury it in the garden. i'll try not to at least.

i share too much. perhaps. perhaps? PERHAPS.

><>Aquariu:m:::..:...:::(on tenerife)

think thank thonk thunk thenk thynk yer fer this tiemr

Hi again!

i like to draw. i really do. and i believe the eye came out somehow nice on this one. but that's what you get for spending 5 minuites on the whole thing.

what happens when. a baby cries for you to stop singing.

and singing is a very strange word.
even tho i tend to love most words some of them freak me out.

i vacuumecleaned the house today. i'm halfway through now. just had to eat some spaghetti first.
some job, eh?

The album of the day must be Animal Collectives "Merriwather post pavillion".
a lovely jet strange set of songs that you've got to find pretty interesting.
bought it on Platekompaniet in tromsø. for 60 kr or something.
cheap. but jet. i could have gotten it for FREE on the friggin beautiful Internet.
but hey. we all have guilty pleasures, here's mine and i'm not so very afraid of showing it.

"grow fins and fit right in" (from another band)

i'm told that it'll all be quite nIce

hello. my fellow man amongst men. i'm here to prove absolutely nothing and shall continue making that effort.

hoping for a lot of Fun for MyVerySelf
