torsdag 31. mars 2011

you don't necessarily understand the story, but you're still left with an experience of it

here it is

there it was.
there's the name i had to write in order to recognize it.

rubik has proven quite addictive.
oh lucky us.

but to google a band that shares it's name with the even more famous Rubiks Cube is pretty annoying and frustrating. so i just leave it be for now. their homepage provides us with the new album, Solar, which is bloody allright.
i'm serious. a band that strikes me like this is very rare. i think.. discovering warpaint before christmas had a similar impact on me - it frippin blew me away from the very first moment.
usually bands/albums grow on you. let's face it, they're often the best ones. though, the ability to let them grow on you requires some effort. but oh my dear god, the amount they pay back is worth whatever the cost of the trip times a 10000^10.
whatever. you already knew that.
well. i never claimed to be especially claptrap cleverclog.
just happy to finally be here.

tough tough day at work.
i actually broke down in tears.

enough said.

tirsdag 29. mars 2011

baaaaaaaaaaand-aid. for long winters and longing for in general.

eh ehwh nhew hewn henh wehn hnwe when i'm in the bathroom, i turn on the radio. when i turn on the radio, i'm ready for any emergency that might take action due to some horrible music piercing my brain.
usually when P3s frequenzy is tuned in, i'm very VERY careful. which pays me off bigtime.
britneys new single horrified me just now, but i soon switched to P2 (godbless) to learn about mushrooms that grows during wintertime. again, fascinating stuff!

anyhoo. yesterday/night/i don't remember, i turned on the radio. on P3. thinking that maybe (it'll suit my body..) it would be okay to listen since worktime is over for most of us and the usual mainstreamsuspects go home. they had a review (even tho reviews are boring to the self, unless they're written/guessed by M.E.) of the brilliant honningbarna and the horrible new album of Glasvegas.
yes, that's all very well, but after all this, they played a lovely tune made by Rubik. i liked it so much, i had to write that name on my arm.
i also had to see if i've seen that name written before. it looked very much alike something i've seen before in the music-fog covering the internets, so i thought "gottacheckthisout" just because i recognized the writing on my arm.
and yes, also because i liked the music. very much so.

from finland, they are. wonderful.
artturi taira has the voice of Sigur Ros' vocalist jòn birgisson.
and the music itself is mainly experiMental pop made to make you burst into a Mental breakdown of happiness.

i have a picture of the arm i wrote on. but something happened. the computer refuses to digest my memorycard and show the results. i'm mad with it.
to rewind and repeat - technology angries the blood


my phobia lives on, grows strong and creeps on creeping me shut from the rest

shut or shot

all that is new is not really scary, it's exciting. but when internet decides to go forth and better itself, updating itself, keeping in touch with whatever force that drives us forward. different technic techniques and so on. i can't seem to follow or swollow it at all, i just gaze with wide eyes, wait untill they run over with tears and shut them for good (or at least as long as i can sense that the problem still is in front of me)
is this healthy, no.
so when bluggur all of a sudden decides to ..become breaking new, i kind of freak out.

why now?

but most importantly, why am i so afraid?
well. it's just because i'm not competent enough to even bother trying to figure it all out, it takes time, it takes effort, and as we all know from the Homer-god himself; anything that takes more than twelve steps, isn't worth doing!! (..laugh)


ah. well. well !!! WELL!!! WISH ME WELL! I WANT WELL, I WAN a WELL!!

no. all i want is a ton of coins. dearly the famous FEMTIØRING that is going off A la modee soon.
i want so many, many enough to resemble Scrooge McDuck. since i can't seem to find a clean swimmingpool around here, why not gather the immense lot of FEMTIØRINGER that floats around in constant streams of our society. must be the cleanliest and healthiest way of swimming nowadays, since the seawater is so.. fripping mindblowingly Cold. so Cold Mountains of coins.. must be... yeeees.
this is how much of them i understand. we have money. and if we want, we can translate them to coins and take baths in them.

enough. i'm getting rapidly stupider for each word that emerges from my subconciousness, so it's a bout time to call a

no wait.
music, for goddamns sake.
rubik! heard of them?
this is how far i got while drinking coffee and driving myself mad with kråkesølvs facebookpage:

THIS FAR! (no really, i got further. but. what the hey)


anyways. i'll be back with more info after ..

to be continued...


mandag 28. mars 2011

ok then!


i'm afraid. being naive sure is a great big crime against yourself, which is why we end up with stiff shoulders and necks that seems to be stuck like a log buried inside a fucking mountain. well. anywells. people, listen. listen to the glory of our heartbeats. being naive makes you shiver with joy, makes your adrenaline rush and your senses never come to an end because you wholeheartedly believe in something. being sceptic is the antidote of naiveness, i guess. and when sceptical you frown upon everything, of course. frowning makes you stiff and stiffness makes it harder to look around. being naive. i wish i were. but sometimes life gives me opportunities to let it all flow in under my skin, taking control over the blood and transmitting signals to my body - ecstacy god how i miss that. euforia enhanced by life, not substances. being naive. is to not be sober. whatever makes you drunk - you lose it when growing up, but replace it with fermented, carbonated and drinkable livelihood of others. is it a vicious circle? is replacing in itself a bad thing? whoever knows has no reason to be alive.

søndag 27. mars 2011

i hate you, bluggur, since you won't obey me and my artistic impression of what i write. what happened?

i can't just tie a bunch of words together! they need space! air! BREATHING! pauses! breaks! A FUCKING BACKUP OF THEIR MEANING! words are supposed to look like they're in harmony, punching through a meaning that leaves you thinking "aw..." yeah. but no more. what happened?? i may form my words, with space and all, in a special order dictated by me, but you fuck them up by removing the space? are you suffocating this blog slowly or what? i just don't get it. but i don't hate you. remember our good times. but please, fix this problem before i leave for good, even the good times considered. i can't have my blog looking like a bunch of bricks, forming a wall. no. but i love dunderhonning.

"why yeeees... "

it is sunday. the day that always tend to stop up. the day when shouting is too much of an effort. when it all comes to the start and fails to begin when you feel numb and prohibited i'm actually glad since i'm not hungover not hungover, but still very weak. 6 days at work in a row. do i live in that kitchen? it felt like home yesterday. i kept looking around, thinking "there's nothing more. this is it. this is home now" so funny. but still; seriously true. anyhoo. watching dunderhonning and Ihab this friday makes it all worthwhile. the bassplayer of dunderhonning was the most epic thing to watch, ever. Geir bendiksen. the vocalist, ståle fossheim, sang completely on note and tone, getting every beat and all. the guitarist (who has the vocals on "Bølgeskum") played neat and nice, experimented like crazy and showed us some moments that was worthy of permanent recording, both phonograms and photos. yes. the drummer was new, so they had some funny problems with him. but whatever, the absorbtion they showed us was worhty every ounce of energy spent on getting our lazy asses there. the audience were few and foggy, but Dunderhonning gaves us their best from start to finnish! i'll actually never forget this. they lived and breathed both the stage and the music. thank you so very much for this, is my conclusion. and that it's a shame people went to see erkiogkrist and plumbo instead of this awakening beauty that is dunderhonning. much better after seen live. absolutely. i love them now. was sceptical at first, having given the cd many a listen. but. the heart they showed even tho we were scattered and lost as an audience will forever stay written in history as one of the true great moments in my life. thank you. i love you. i will haunt you as you haunt me. yes..

gorillaz has their moments

took these just now, from the porch.

this is mainly why i live where i live.

mandag 21. mars 2011

pretty old and pretty pretty pics

i don't know, but i may say "do enlarge them, pretty please" too.
from an attempt to reach suliskongen, a tall mountain. 1900-something meters.
bad weather

the common champignon is fascinating stuff.
i've always been able to eat it straight from the tin, even tho it all seems and sounds a bit gross.

but i never knew this about them

i'm still here. substance(ssssssssssssssssss)


why i never fetch the mail:
everytime i actually DO get it, my mom manages to ask, being rather hysterical and frentic;
every fucking time. i always put it in the same place - on the fucking kitchen. and she always ask a few feet BEFORE she's in the kitchen.. did i say ask? i mean SHOUT.
stupidity has never been more annoying

anyhoo. i was buying pears, frozen veggies, tinned veggies and sugarfree Dent oi... and had to walk some extra meters home today. i officially kind of hate/am sick of strong wind. but, while walking home i had my mp3-player on fokin SHUFFLE! i never do that. i'm addicted to the ALBUMformate, not the fucking shuffle. i was once unlucky and pushed the wrong funtion, and landed on Random Play All instead of Album Of The Day (..touchscreen, say no more). that was on saturday.
yes. i'm lazy. but! i actually liked it aLOT, since i have such great music on my x-fi now. i don't need to skip songs like crazy all the time when on shuffle. i love them all, almost. brilliant discovery.

and when surprised by a song you love, who doesn't get insanely happy and excited?

like this one;


Rag weed tall
Better hope that his ladder don�t crack
Or he�ll hit the ground l
Hard and out of his back
At the battle at the bottom of the ocean
Well, the dead do rise
You need proof, I got proof at the surface
You can watch them float by
Way in back of the room, there sits a cage
Inside it�s a clock that you can win
If you can guess its age
Which you never can do
Because the time it constantly changes
For luck or lack,
I guess that is the saying
On the first page of the book of blue it read
"If you read this page, then that'll be your death"
By then it was too late
And you wound up on an island of shells and bones
That bodies had left
And the one thing you taught me
About human beings was this:
They ain't made of nothing but water and shit

enough said

yes. i'm still thirteen.

Primavera Sound sounds awesome

but i'm guessing that was the wrong link
instead of doublechecking, i'm just simply going to try again



hello. pj harvey is playing. omg.

ONLY 175€ for the whole damn three days.

which simply translates to 1381,975 KRONER.

oooooooooooooooooook then..
saddle up your bikes!

today is a day i don't want to spend being at work.
i've totally lost myself
but yesterday some of it came gently rushing back to me.
so when i finally get my head on straight
i have to go to work
and loose it all again
being prepared and repaired
to their likings

is there any wonder i get moody

and need to escape.


to be perfectly honest, the xx really do make great music.

søndag 20. mars 2011


after serious amounts of wine and whineing
i found this little LIST

i also found that i knew alot of it from before

who'd figure

fuck. i didn't want it to end. but it did. now i'm misrable and lost again..

either way. it's on. the king of limbs is on.
and thom yorke is still the ultimate man for me.

especially after seeing him in the brilliant musicvideo to the tune "lotus flower"

it's very mellow. it's still radiohead. but. i don't know what to think, because i've yet to listen through the whole thing.
either way, i can already feel it's healing powers

with the dangers of jinxing it for myself.

i can still feel them..


someone published the album on youtube. how very fine.

since we can't find In Rainbows on spotify, i reckon radiohead don't want anything to do with it.

their previous lables have not been very nice in milking/treating radioheads music. i went a bit loco after they published this Best Of-thing a couple of years ago.

desperate measures, i thought.

whatever tho.

oh.. parlophone.

again. whatever.

onsdag 16. mars 2011

i don't know what i'm doing wrong

but Department of Eagles
are always able to fix it

søndag 13. mars 2011

animal skins

a french band called revolver:

YouTube-link there

but the rest of my life is a secret

i don't know what i was thinking, but i bought this album the last time i floated through the holiness itself, Platekompaniet in tromsø.
it was on sale. yes. and it came out in 2010. yes. and it's mgmt.
yeees.. but i kind of like it. it keeps growing on me.
it's not something i thought mgmt was capable of making. whatever that means. i've not been very obsessed with them. but. when in tromsø. when in a fog..
but also. it sounds like they're on way too many different drugs.

that sort of shines through. but i don't mind druguse and music. as long as they function as normal people (more or less) and don't kill themselves.

it's laid back, casual and not very cheery. not partymusic, like 'kids' and 'time to pretend'.

but. it's VERY addicting.

i'm sort of smiling now.


The Sinus In My Heart is not skipping beats

there's nothing like going to a decent event in a decent waterhole in a not so decent dresscode. i love my life when things like this happen.
this band, lukestar, har a special place in my heart, and so they've always had; from their first single to the first time i saw them live at Parken.
the first time i thought maybe Truls had pitched his voice too high for the songs and didn't quite make it all the way up to all the notes, but that didn't really matter. nothing to say but amazing from their performance in Parken, that early early "morning" in august 08.
now it's 2011, and they have a new album, of which you can gaze over this text. i purchased this lucky and wonderful little piece of art yesternight, when i saw them for the second time in my life. by god, it was worth every dollar & cent.
he sang like the angel he is, his glasseye mesmerized me (i have a thing for lazy-eyes, and whatever comes close) and they had a great energy that the audience snapped up immediately, and likewise. we were all in good shape and shared the love.
to dance the whole damn concert like it's your last is one of the things that makes me feel most alive with pleasure. perhaps drinking a little less wine the next time is a good idea. i kept shouting stuff, but truls replied! so it was a blast! i felt we became best friends.
ah. people in bodø are at their best when drunk off their feet, not being all that vain and proper. they even tried to make a moshpit. it sort of worked!

anyways. i'll be dreaming of this event long into the future.
lukestar have earned their place in my heart, and they deserve a place in everyone elses too.

i also love the decent booking-logo;

such much fun.
regards and romance

tip-toe round/ tie him down

i'm decent. i take the bus. yes. i'm amazed i fit in the bus that this pic illustrates. but i do.
so. i've been thinking. i had this acute need to go somewhere by either train, bus or plane. but then i remembered the fact that people are idiots. and if that's not enough; they're fucking everywhere. so i kind of let that glorious plan sit and rest for a while, while listening to sonic youth and their SONIC NURSE-album.
so good.
ah well. on the pic it looks like summer has arrived. almost seriously..
i'm not going to go somewhere. at least i'd have to find a great concert to blow some money on first. yes. perhaps in england. next weekend.

torsdag 10. mars 2011

BWÆH fucking hell. cats.

please do remind me of why i'm alive..

i've accomplished surprisingly diverse things today.

for instance, these pics of my sisters cat, MISS;

i just hope this series work.
because at least I laughed my stupid head off.

and. i'm feeling

i almost chopped off a pretty sizeable part of my finger. why? i wanted to snack on a sweetpotato/yam i bought yesterday.
well duh.
so i continued eating it while bandaiding my finger. i felt a bit sick at first, but i feel fine now. apart from the fact that it HURTS!!! fucking hell.

People CHANGE over time. Not not me.

i'm still old, grey and fond of fruits.


these. are old.

i just happened to find them. yes. that's that. whatever excuse for not doing the dishes, hoovering the house and so on goes. like, drinking the same coffee for two hours.
am i really a joke nobody understands? or do people tend to laugh behind my back?
no i'm pretty normal. i usually laugh at people.

onsdag 9. mars 2011

so well. so what.

my latest biggest influences (and i'm thinking since i moved from fucking bergen. or to, i don't remember) have been;


no. it's really my self. but type-os are such much fun.

well. i have not been having evangelic thoughts or different feelings/inspirations (mainly thinking i'm a cool person, walking around much excited about that fact..)

wanyhoo.. which means i've been boring for like.. over half a year.

that really sucks.
i need to get into radiohead. only they may save my life. or perhaps move again. smelling the same smells does not get exciting when your way of reinventing it consists of methods like Don't do the dishes and Don't carry out the trash.


Don't shower too much

so you see. i need something new. which is why i bought redbull after work on tuseday. they're both long gone by now. this is only because i saw the contestants drink redbull in Hells Kittenchen

true story

commercials and other sublime stuff is pretty slick. slickiest of all, i reckon.


i need a life. not just a carbonated one. i mean a real life. an inner life. not just moodswings and multitasking. i need a brain and a heart that functions. i need to buy a huge puzzle, puzzle it and then think i'm on a roll. i don't only smell like eggs, i have a rich inner life that allows me to accomplish complicated and complex stuff like puzzles.

to many words now. i'm sorry. or maybe not. i'm going for the not.
the negatives. black and white and white and black and un peu petit de GRIS.


my life. spacier than piffi.
yes. space. ier.


mandag 7. mars 2011

love at fist sight. yes, fist.

having a timer on the camera is one of the great inventions that the human kind kind of kindly made avaliable for the masses. i think i love it. best be using it more. the lack of true control of the pic amazes me.

'quit living in the past' homer says while throwing his and marges wedding-picture in the trash.

well. here's the pictures from my past. throw them away, if you like.
but if you tell me "quit living in the past" i'll turn into a dog.

organic panic and the stoic soy-sauce from the depths of oceans unknown

okay. interesting thoughts.

are interesting.

inter esting?

inte resting?


you're resting because you found something that interests you? internal rest?

eternal rest.

no. there's no such thing. and it doesn't even add up in sense with the true meaning of the word.

and i've not even had my first cup of coffee.

my new regime is (that actually gives me some energy/feelings/hope) is to wake up at 6 every morning, even tho my bus leaves at 9:50. and i live 1 min from the actual busstop.

well. why torture yourself with waking up way to early??

i don't really hate being awake, but being awake after work can't seem to bring me anywhere. i'm stuck in a terrible rabbithole, you see.

i just want to exercise and go to bed. maybe listen to some music in bed. or read. but that's all. wake up early. go for a walk. think. draw. listen.

anywayyyysss.... apart from being completely boring and somewhat negative, i have an awesome life. yes it's true.

haven't even listened to the new album.

that's utterly awesome.

indeed. in deed. anyhoo. i want to count the days being sober from now on. and i'm looking for a large number of them. even tho i think i will come to exactly 4-5 days before i'm drunk off my fucking feet again shouting "WHICH WAY IS THE GRAVTATIONAL PULL?!?!?"

i tend to come up with great, great plans like this every sunday.

who doesn't.

so that's that.


my x-fi died.

i'm sader than you could ever imagine. i cried.

thinking my life is rouined.

it sure is.

lørdag 5. mars 2011

molva molva - ling
hippoglossus hippoglossus 300 kg - halibut
lophius piscatorius 79 kg - munkfish, anglerfish
pollachius pollachius - pollack
pollachius virens - saithe, coalfish
scomber sombrus - mackerel
clupea harengus - herring
anarhichas - wolffish, catfish
gadus morhua - cod

that must btw be the most utterly entertaining latin name i've ever come across.


it's okay to have at least a small bit of control over the fish i do love to prepare

poor them

poor me

surely i'm okay

yes. as usual

. cats are great objects

today is sonic youth. sonic youth will make today go round a bit more. my head is spinning. but they're guiding me. it doesn't make sense, but it's not supposed to. i really love this band. and that feeling grows rapidly on me. as it has been for some time.

afraid of saying i love them, saying i'm a fan; i haven't even heard through their entire discography yet. but let's be fair, who has? it's immense.

so what day is this? i don't even know. i'm seriously hungover. there's no saving the trail of damaged goods behind me. so fucking hung over. but that's what you get for being drunk.
