here it is
there it was.
there's the name i had to write in order to recognize it.
rubik has proven quite addictive.
oh lucky us.
but to google a band that shares it's name with the even more famous Rubiks Cube is pretty annoying and frustrating. so i just leave it be for now. their homepage provides us with the new album, Solar, which is bloody allright.
i'm serious. a band that strikes me like this is very rare. i think.. discovering warpaint before christmas had a similar impact on me - it frippin blew me away from the very first moment.
usually bands/albums grow on you. let's face it, they're often the best ones. though, the ability to let them grow on you requires some effort. but oh my dear god, the amount they pay back is worth whatever the cost of the trip times a 10000^10.
whatever. you already knew that.
well. i never claimed to be especially claptrap cleverclog.
just happy to finally be here.
tough tough day at work.
i actually broke down in tears.
enough said.