so. Album of the day
Oneida - A Place Called El Shaddai's
Soundtrack for sleepy days on the couch with nothing to think properly about.
Saw the movie Avatar yesterday, in 3D ofallbeautiful things.
i felt like going back to basics, becoming one of them, living my days in complete harmony with nature. on a different planet, with marvelous animals and incredible abilities. it was a bit painfull to leave the cinema afterwards, only to realise It's Never Going To Be That Way For Us MoneyDriven Foolish Humans
ach. back to the couch with me
tirsdag 22. desember 2009
søndag 20. desember 2009
party party party ACH party
if the last post looks a bit scary, just re and lax, i Fell on some very slippery and hard ice in the middle of the night/morning this satur/sunday. running to the bus while under the influence = nasty fall and worried comments.
i've not been beaten up, sadly.
but what the hey, i can't honestly say i always wanted some work done (niptuck) but i kinda sorta like it.
it looks even worse today:)
but:::::: I HAD FUN!!
at least prior to the running and smashing.
what the hey ever.
(soundtrack - modest mouse - styrofoam boots)
i've not been beaten up, sadly.
but what the hey, i can't honestly say i always wanted some work done (niptuck) but i kinda sorta like it.
it looks even worse today:)
but:::::: I HAD FUN!!
at least prior to the running and smashing.
what the hey ever.
(soundtrack - modest mouse - styrofoam boots)
tirsdag 15. desember 2009
OhOMY GIDOOOD i'm aSOZMMNE* (*zombie,thatis)
sWwiiinnne Flu u u u
whathaåpppennnenennnss when
my toncils are hurtingHiiiiii
and have been since last wednesday jolly joyious and i've been having an infection with open sores and white pus on them. headache. symptoms of fever, still no fever. lots of sleeping and lying on the couch. YES:::...
whathaåpppennnenennnss when
my toncils are hurtingHiiiiii
and have been since last wednesday jolly joyious and i've been having an infection with open sores and white pus on them. headache. symptoms of fever, still no fever. lots of sleeping and lying on the couch. YES:::...
but no swineflu tho iguesshopethink, i did get the vaccine..[theverysamedayigotsick)]
but whatever, it seems like my comalike state is wearing off
a lot of telly... and fruit.s and fish. and a narrow range of emotions. they usually appear afterwards, desperate to make up for long lost distant days
ah so good to be able to sit straight again!! <3>
than you and ach i'm gonna go fetch some sleep (also, i'm moving to tromsø in february)
btw, i'm now sharing this with you, one of my favorite illustrations of all time, by either stanley donwood or tchock
torsdag 3. desember 2009
melting iron

so yes a cow running on the beach how romantic
i've been listening to Can today. they formed their band in west germany in 1968.
for the second time i listen through their album "Soundtracks", and it's lovely and chilly and takes me nowhere new and strange, but makes me more at ease atm. likes.
other than that - love peace and lot's of interwebz
"what do you think went through the mind of the first man who found himself sucking on a cow’s udder"
onsdag 2. desember 2009
and/duck so on

Man Man
you simply must check them out.
I want them to come play at our festival
they MUsstt. come.
it all began with
"the man in a blue turban with a face"
continued with
"six demon bag"
and the recent
"rabbit habits"
they're nuts, i warn you, but true geniouses. no doubt there.
check them out on La Blogotheque, just google it.
i'm not a linky person i don't link anything up
ehehhehehe,... .. . . ., m, .,.,s.,egjieg .. s., e. e.kkm f
you simply must check them out.
I want them to come play at our festival
they MUsstt. come.
it all began with
"the man in a blue turban with a face"
continued with
"six demon bag"
and the recent
"rabbit habits"
they're nuts, i warn you, but true geniouses. no doubt there.
check them out on La Blogotheque, just google it.
i'm not a linky person i don't link anything up
ehehhehehe,... .. . . ., m, .,.,s.,egjieg .. s., e. e.kkm f
i love honus honus and his voice and his appearance and so on and they love modest mouse, apparently. so what's not to likebutlove with these american fellows. also check out their music-video for "10lb Moustache"!! made me laugh so hard! i love how much fun they have as a band. makes me somewhat jealous that i don't have a community like that but whatthehey, i never push anything to happen... LeArRingNng. almost all their music makes me laugh. rare!
so other than that zzzzzzzzzz
been reading osomuch educating myself at high speed, gaining necessary knowledge for some dayssecondsminuiteshours to come. probably
what the hey! ! i like it here. but haven't been able to draw anything lately.
i' m in loVve :::!
tirsdag 1. desember 2009
yadda yadda yadda
i'm thinking about POsstttinnggg my password so that every(n)one who's here could feel free to not change it, but add stupid stuff which is relevant to their interests. i love that sorto thang
but what the hey iiiiiiiiiiiieeeep
snow snow snow
rain rain rain
bodø bodø bdoø bødo bodo døbø ødoboøb oødboøoødboøoø oø doøboøbdøob bdoøo bodø
(the way things work here, same repeating order)
snow - makes me happy. but today i bussed my way to the city to take an hour long driving lesson. wtf. so the skies decided to start plowing their sidewalks, their driveways etc and poor it down on every other place where it's not needed here on earth. the result was an exhausting second lesson that sort of drained me because snow and driving and poor views can be dangerous and crashing expensive. trying to avoid disaster costs a lot of attention.
but it went rather well. i suppose. thumbs up [to eliminate the thumbs down.]
so sos oso soso osos ooso so
other than that i've been a sleepy mess reading loads o crapz on the interwebs
which i happen to enjoy a lot. relevant things, not the kind you find here.
i'm not going to post anything of new knowledge today. just keep practicing my Skills at pasting words together and make a pretty mess outta it.
i'm happy
that's all that matters.
but i'm also a bit sleepy because of watching tv all night instead of sleeping. lesson learned, bad habit and no wonder
christmas is soon upon us (or already has been since october by our beloved choclate factories and other relevant consumerproductsproducedforthemasses customer focused sollutions
so. i desperately want to make a lot of gifts this year, as i want every year. invest some time and love in the gifts, and try eliminating the stress involved.
that's poetry in my ears. make nice/ugly/charming stuff people can use. GoodBless
YES m y b e l o v e d a n d i m p o r t a n t o p i n i o n s s e r v e d o n a s i l v e r p l a t t e r
besides. today i'm far more into the music i normally like. out of the speakers "THE APES" make their way. SUCH a BeAUUUTtyyy, and very experimental. Ah, finally i can relax!
but what the hey iiiiiiiiiiiieeeep
snow snow snow
rain rain rain
bodø bodø bdoø bødo bodo døbø ødoboøb oødboøoødboøoø oø doøboøbdøob bdoøo bodø
(the way things work here, same repeating order)
snow - makes me happy. but today i bussed my way to the city to take an hour long driving lesson. wtf. so the skies decided to start plowing their sidewalks, their driveways etc and poor it down on every other place where it's not needed here on earth. the result was an exhausting second lesson that sort of drained me because snow and driving and poor views can be dangerous and crashing expensive. trying to avoid disaster costs a lot of attention.
but it went rather well. i suppose. thumbs up [to eliminate the thumbs down.]
so sos oso soso osos ooso so
other than that i've been a sleepy mess reading loads o crapz on the interwebs
which i happen to enjoy a lot. relevant things, not the kind you find here.
i'm not going to post anything of new knowledge today. just keep practicing my Skills at pasting words together and make a pretty mess outta it.
i'm happy
that's all that matters.
but i'm also a bit sleepy because of watching tv all night instead of sleeping. lesson learned, bad habit and no wonder
christmas is soon upon us (or already has been since october by our beloved choclate factories and other relevant consumerproductsproducedforthemasses customer focused sollutions
so. i desperately want to make a lot of gifts this year, as i want every year. invest some time and love in the gifts, and try eliminating the stress involved.
that's poetry in my ears. make nice/ugly/charming stuff people can use. GoodBless
YES m y b e l o v e d a n d i m p o r t a n t o p i n i o n s s e r v e d o n a s i l v e r p l a t t e r
besides. today i'm far more into the music i normally like. out of the speakers "THE APES" make their way. SUCH a BeAUUUTtyyy, and very experimental. Ah, finally i can relax!
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